Through the Eyes of a Missionary


“Like cold water to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country.” Proverbs 25:25

So many lives have been impacted so far this summer and more will continue to be! The impact is not only on the one’s being ministered to, but also the lives of those who followed the call from God to come halfway across the world. It is a beautiful thing to see missionaries, young and old, experienced and inexperienced, come in nervous, scared, not even sure of what to expect, and see them leave as a changed person, impacted by what the Lord has done in and through them.

It’s like watching a beautiful butterfly break free of it’s cocoon, and fly into a new beauty and exhilarating freedom.


“I wasn’t asking for it, but I found myself amazingly ministered to.” – Missionary

“Sometimes the biggest distance we have to travel is from our head to our hearts, not DC to Joberg.” – Missionary

“Can I still walk the walk while being here and not be a puddle? Yes, because God is here. His grace is evident.” – Missionary

One missionary was sharing with a man in the community, and they exchanged life stories and discovered the striking similarities; Both of their fathers passed away when they were twelve. The young man committed his life to Christ out of a genuine heart. After the conversation the missionary testified with tears in her eyes, “I always knew the verse that God works all things together for good…but now I have lived it!
“Being a missionary is a condition of the heart!” – Missionary (upon reflecting on the personal impact of the trip)

“What impacted me the most was simply being challenged to share the gospel on a daily basis.” -Missionary

“I will never get tired of seeing that sparkle in the eyes of the one I’m sharing with and that smile that stretches across their face when they have just been introduced to the King of Kings.” -Missionary

“As God was using me to change lives in the squatter camps, He was changing me as well.”- Missionary

A resident in the squatter camp said this to a missionary, “I feel like God is holding you in His two hands and brought you to me to tell me all the good things you are telling me.”

“God used me to impact eternity.” – Missionary

“I found freedom and purpose in my own life as I ministered to the people.” – Missionary

“This trip rocked my world. This was my first time evangelizing and sharing my testimony. Being able to see how God could use me and speak through me through bringing hope and love to desperate people, completely impacted me in a good a powerful way that I will never forget.” – Missionary

“Being a part of bringing people to Christ is the best experience ever.” – Missionary