Every day, 3 infants are abandoned on the streets of Johannesburg. The Impact Africa Baby Rescue Center exists to prevent baby abandonment, rescue abandoned babies and provides life-long family care. Impact Africa is committed to being an advocate that will intervene on behalf of these desperate young mothers and their precious babies in order to ensure the best future for their children, while rescuing and preventing babies from being abandoned.
The Impact Baby Rescue Center reaches out to these desperate young women & their precious babies through 4 main services:

We help prevent baby abandonment by counseling desperate young mothers who have an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy. We educate them about the life-saving alternatives to discarding unwanted children.

We provide prenatal, postnatal, and parenting counseling and training classes that help equip and enable young parents to properly care for their newborn baby. As relationship with these parents are built, lives are transformed.

All our staff are registered as legal foster parents, which allows us to exist as a registered place of safety. When babies are placed in our Promise Homes, Impact Africa cares for them until they are legally cleared for an adoption process.

Help is available 24/7 for desperate mothers in need of guidance. If a mother is faced with no other choice but to give up her baby, our in-house social worker and team will guide her through the necessary steps. Once rescued, the child is transferred to our partnering baby homes where they are cared for until they are adopted into a loving family.
Impact Baby Rescue is supported entirely from the gifts and sponsorship of generous individuals, businesses, and friends. Every gift plays a vital role in extending its reach into the lives of many more hopeless women and abandoned babies. Your partnership enables us to impact these desperate and vulnerable lives by giving them a beacon of hope.
Your investment is needed to fund the following:
- Monthly operation costs of the Baby Home (Diapers, food, supplies, etc.)
- Awareness and prevention presentations
- Awareness fliers
- Transportation to the government hospitals and clinics
- Help support an African staff member who assists us in awareness presentations and baby care
Please email us at office@www.impactafrica.org for information on how you can join us in rescuing and preventing baby abandonment.

We have established strong partnerships throughout the city of Johannesburg. It is our heart to work together with the government and community leaders to maximize our impact.
Our strategic partnerships include the following:
The local Police and Fire Stations: On a regular basis, the police and fire department find abandoned babies, but previously had nowhere to bring them. Since the development of our partnership we have become their first point of contact when they discover an abandoned baby. They have also made themselves available to us for needs that we may have concerning any baby rescue cases.
Local Clinics and Hospitals: Within the community and around the city we have strong relationships with various clinics and hospitals, where we raise awareness about the issues surrounding baby abandonment with patients. Furthermore, they contact us if they have received an abandoned baby or are made aware of a crisis pregnancy case.
Department of Social Development: We have great credibility with the South African government and their social workers. They refer cases of abandonment to us, as those are their greatest challenge, and we refer cases to them that involve neglect or where the family is still involved.
“We had an amazing 9 days with this first class ministry team! Thanks for all you are sowing in to South Africa!”
- Rebecca Cobbledick“Impact ME is not only changing me like the name suggests, but also the people around me.”
- Cori Bridgford, Class of 2013“I have been learning so much about God’s heart for His people all around the world and how there is such an urgency to share the Gospel with these people who don’t know.”
- Sarah Tapp, Class of 2012